Network Marketing Online Using No Cost Methods and Ideas

We all know there are well known techniques of marketing your MLM home business opportunity utilizing the Internet like SEO (Search Engine Optimization), email marketing, PPC (Pay Per Click, etc. But I thought I would put together a listing of some non-traditional and free methods that I have come to know that can help you in promoting your Network Marketing home business opportunity using the Internet. Not all of these are huge, however they’ll give you a little something additional to take on when you feel like you’ve done everything else.

1. Yahoo Answers:

Do a search on “Yahoo Answers” for people who are asking about work-at-home ideas (there are plenty of these every day) and reply to them back with short information on your Network Marketing opportunity or a quick note to establish contact first. Be careful about not making your message look like spam or it will be brought down.

2. Social Bookmarking:

Just bookmark all of your blogs, videos, articles and websites on popular social bookmarking sites like Propeller. This will aid your material get more views and it will also help with the all-valuable backlinks!

3. Create A Silly You Tube Video:

Consider making a silly short video to post on You Tube. Be sure it doesn’t relate to business or Network Marketing at all, just something funny that viewers will pass on. At the end of your video put your opportunity website address. You can also put your website address in the sidebar or the description. Sometimes these videos will get a lot more views than one that is all about working from home.

4. Produce An Article Not Related To Business:

Just because you want to link to your Network Marketing home business opportunity website, it doesn’t mean you have to write articles about Network Marketing. Try creating some articles about whatever interests you and putting them out. In the resource box put a little bit about yourself and include your Network Marketing opportunity website.

5. Doing Comments On Blogs:

You can get a lot out of Blog Marketing without writing a Blog. There are numerous popular Network Marketing home business blogs, you can benefit by writing a comment on one of the most recent blog posts with a link back to your MLM opportunity website. Just make sure that its a real comment about the post and not just obvious advertising. Good blogs, particularly very popular ones watch this heavily. If it looks like blatant advertising, its going to get deleted, so make a special effort to make your comments valuable to the blog owner.

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